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Cuando parecía que este mes solo iba a publicar esta entrada con un par de enlaces, han empezado a aparecer textos que me han parecido interesantes, y los he ido compartiendo de forma compulsiva en los últimos días.

Muchas cosas están pasando en mi vida de forma compulsiva últimamente.

Anticipo un post contando novedades en no demasiado tiempo. Mientras tanto, este es el resumen de enlaces del mes de mayo:

The Importance Of Having A Purpose In Digital Transformation And Innovation

Frase para poner en la pared y leer todos los días:

Technology isn’t the answer. It’s an essential enabler of a greater vision and mission.

A stealthy Harvard startup wants to reverse aging in dogs, and humans could be next

Y ahora es cuando empiezan los escalofríos de verdad:

He told the investors that one day “we’ll be able to control the biological clock and keep you whatever age you want.”

Esports Will Debut at Asian Games as Official Sports

Los tiempos cambian:

In October, the IOC recognized that esports could be considered a sporting activity. Those who work in esports believe the gaming competitions could be added to the Olympics as soon as 2024

France, China, and the EU all have an AI strategy. Shouldn’t the US?

El nombre de tu país ¿estaría en el lugar de los EE UU, o en el de Francia y China?:

Policymakers must understand that machine learning and automation’s impact on the economy and job market will mirror that of globalization. The US needs a plan to prepare the workforce to not only survive this change but thrive. The US also needs a much more prominent public debate over the policies around artificial intelligence, since this will be a massively influential technology. Today, we’re not even having the discussion. There’s no plan for where we want to go. China and France already have a plan. If the US doesn’t act, we’re in danger of falling behind. is using AI to make healthcare more efficient in Southeast Asia

The company uses deep learning and neural network algorithms to predict healthcare patterns in patients, and beyond, to reduce preventable hospitalization, and, in turn, save on costs and hassles. That also allows medical professionals and insurers to focus on the more obvious risk patients,

The Data Digest: The Dangerous Contradictions Of Consumer Reviews

For the most empowered consumers, a crowd is no longer a mark of a trustworthy brand or quality product. More than stars or upvotes, consumers seek authenticity and validation from a like-minded community before purchasing a product.

Google says forget app versus mobile web, it’s app and mobile web

63% of people say that when a brand forces them to download an app to access a deal, they will typically delete it shortly thereafter. In contrast, mobile web appears to be the way to foster a deeper relationship with a consumer.

How Close Are We—Really—to Building a Quantum Computer?

We and others have been saying it’s 10 years away. Some are saying it’s just three years away, and I would argue that they don’t have an understanding of how complex the technology is.

Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018

Adolescentes y medios sociales: vídeo, vídeo, vídeo. Adiós Facebook y Twitter…:

95% of teens now report they have a smartphone or access to one. These mobile connections are in turn fueling more-persistent online activities: 45% of teens now say they are online on a near-constant basis

Just How Bad Is Business Travel for Your Health? Here’s the Data

¿Te ves reflejado en este texto del HBR? ¡Yo sí!

what can companies do to help their employees develop healthy habits while traveling? We suggest a combination of employee education and improvements in employer policies around travel.

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