Un mes sorprendente este noviembre de 2018. Y no solo por la cantidad inusual de enlaces compartidos. Esto tiene la explicación (que no es novedad de este mes) de que varios de estos enlaces se habían quedado «enganchados» en Buffer el mes anterior, y los he «liberado» este mes.
Un mes en el que han pasado muchas cosas, que seguramente son el preludio de muchas más que van a pasar en los próximos meses.
Mientras se aclaran y las puedo contar, hay mucho que reflexionar con estos enlaces:
GM’s data mining is just the beginning of the in-car advertising blitz
El coche como canal para implantar las «cookies» en el mundo real:
As cars become more connected, more technology-focused, and more autonomous, it was only a matter of time before they become more branded. In some sense, the cars of the future will be the inverse of NASCAR racing cars: instead of being wrapped in corporate logos, the brand names will on the inside, facing us.
What the Boston School Bus Schedule Can Teach Us About AI
Technology is amplifying complexity and our ability to change society, altering the dynamics and difficulty of consensus and governance. But the idea of weighing trade-offs isn’t new, of course. It’s a fundamental feature of a functioning democracy.
Value engineering for outcome-based bets
The problem with transformation is never a lack of ideas; it’s a lack of a change in behavior
RPA And Conversational Automation: A Dynamic Duo Of Business Bots
Does all of this mean humans are the ones in danger of becoming obsolete? Not as far as I can see. RPA, CA and other emerging technologies are putting people on the path to more meaningful work, more satisfying customer experiences and greater business value.
It’s An Ideal World After All; The Importance Of An Open Mind
Just because someone is right doesn’t mean the other person is wrong.
I’m learning to see that perspective is a gift.
Can we create a new kind of car insurance for a world where we share cars?
Even though usage-based insurance programs tend to reduce costs for customers people still tend to balk at the invasion of privacy inherent in having their every move in a car tracked and analyzed
“El diagnóstico genético puede ser un problema social”
Tiemblo al pensar en información genética en manos de una mala empresa aseguradora.
The future of data storage lies in the foundation of biology
DNA storage is meant to condense and replace magnetic tape storage, miniaturizing everything in the process and therefore saving space for the large quantities of data we produce.
Technology is headed in the direction of biomimicry and therefore what storage element would be more fitting to house the vast quantities of digital information we create than the storage capacity that supports virtually all life on Earth?
Preparing Americans for the jobs of the future
Cambiemos en este artículo la referencia a EE UU y pongamos España (por ejemplo) y vale sin cambiar nada más. Esta reflexión y la acción derivada de ella ya no es solo importante, es urgente:
many of the laws and regulations governing the employee-employer relationship are increasingly obsolete
Future trends in healthcare
Understanding that healthcare needs to remain sustainable and affordable for all stakeholders, there is only one obvious answer: further development and implementation of Digital & Health Technologies
Children are being datafied before we’ve understood the risks report warns
[children] are the “canary in the coal mine» for wider society, encountering the risks before many adults become aware of them or are able to develop strategies to mitigate them
These DNA Startups Want to Put All of You on the Blockchain
Marketplaces like Nebula will allow individuals to cash in on the genomics rush themselves while retaining control over who gets to profit from their data.