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Enlaces octubre 2018


Un mes más esta recopilación de enlaces es mi única publicación.

Ayer mismo Seth Godin hacía una loa de las bodades de publicar diariamente. Yo a estas alturas me conformaba con hacerlo todas las semanas.

En cualquier caso este resumen de enlaces cumple su doble función: reflejar en un canal más o menos propio lo que comparto en canales de terceros, y obligarme a releer lo compartido.

Para lo que vienen siendo lo súltimos meses, este ha sido un mes bastante fructífero. Salud y Seguros parecen los temas de referencia este mes. Ahí van los enlaces. Creo de verdad que todos ellos merecen dedicarles un tiempo para una lectura reposada.

A disfrutarlos:

Digital Myth No. 4 — Your Company Needs A Digital Strategy

Disruptive companies create new sources of value for customers by applying emerging technology to deliver customer outcomes in new ways.

Big data, digital tools are great, but building their ecosystem is ‘where the rubber meets the road’

We need to be able to connect all of this into a common infrastructure, and if we had that data flow freely across these enterprises — from the traditional healthcare facility to the virtual healthcare space — then we can imagine being able to guide the patients and offer them the right care, at the right time, at the right price.

Can we create a new kind of car insurance for a world where we share cars?

Even though usage-based insurance programs tend to reduce costs for customers people still tend to balk at the invasion of privacy inherent in having their every move in a car tracked and analyzed.

Will Tech Make Insurance Obsolete in the Future?

risk is becoming predictable. And insurance is getting disrupted fast.

Why do digital health startups keep failing?

Many digital health companies fall short because they apply a strategy to healthcare that was developed and refined in the tech sector, an entirely different industry with its own set of rules.

Complete transcript, video of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s EU privacy speech

Difficult to chose just one quote. This one seems like a good summary:

Technology is capable of doing great things. But it doesn’t want to do great things. It doesn’t want anything. That part takes all of us.


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