Esta semana solo un enlace.
Pero es un enlace del que pueden sacarse muchas conclusiones o, al menos, ayudar a formular muchas preguntas sobre el futuro cercano de cómo vamos a desplazarnos dentro de muy pocos años.
Una gran lectura para la penúltima semana del año.
Goodbye car ownership, hello clean air: welcome to the future of transport
El futuro del transporte contado a través de los conceptos de moda: Blockchain, P2P, coches autónomos:
Access and identity tokens and P2P transactions will enable the easy, secure sharing of not only vehicles but infrastructure such as toll roads, recharging stations and parking lots. The blockchain-enabled identity of each user will carry proof of identity, age, insurance coverage and ability to pay, while protecting the anonymity of the passengers and information about their travels, as well as the security of their payment mechanisms.