Once again I face the blank page to write about profesional changes.
Yesterday, January 31st, was my last day at Grupo PSN. A place full of great professionals who are aware of the enormous challenge they are facing to meet the requirements of doing business at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. I think they have the right direction and, mostly, the right leadership for it.
Every time I have taken a step like this I have looked back and I have always had the sweet taste of what I have achieved, the footprint I have left, with the bitter feeling that perhaps I could have done more, that this footprint could have been deeper. I guess it is inevitable to have both feelings at the same time, and the only real option ahead is to do my best to leave a deeper footprint in the next step.
I know I will always maintain a close relationship with some people I have met there. I am sending my farewell and my support from here convinced that the path they have undertaken will lead them to success.
Today, February 1st is my first day at Everis. A company with, in one form or another, I have built a relationship of more than 15 years, even before it’s name was actually Everis.
I have great challenges ahead and a great deal of uncertainty, but this is precisely what I like to confront, which makes me jump out of bed in the morning with the desire to know what I will learn and what I will put in each day.
New challenges, new changes that will surely give me great stuff to keep on writing here.
Wish me luck.