Here is where I try to provide you with detailed information about personal data treatment due to the use of this website.
My main goal is that you, as a visitor of Anotado. Alberto’s notes have the control over your personal data, and I do my best to implement what ruled by the EU through the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and and all laws adapted under or replacing the GDPR.
Controller of data
- Controller: Alberto Gómez Aparicio
- Communications: alberto [ at ] (I know this is not really orthodox and that I should publish a postal address but I do not feel comfortable publishing an address on line).
Goal of data treatment
The goal for the data treatment in this website is the management of contact details of those who provide their comments and thoughts in the designated space on each post.
Therefore, the goal os the management of contacts and communications with the users of Anotado. Alberto’s notes.
To get some information about the number of visit that I receive at Anotado. Alberto’s notes, where do visitors come from and the posts that are receiving more attention, so just to feed my ego, I use Google Analytics services. To get these statistics, Google Analytics will place one or several cookies in your browser (see more details at the Cookies policy). Google Analytics does not provide me with any information that could let me know who you are. Nothing at all.
Categories of data
The only data I collect are the ones in the comment forms on each post. These are:
- name in an open field where you can write your name or any other nickname or word you want
- email address.
If in the content of the comment you include information from other categories it is absolutely impossible for me to know up front so I can not liste it here. Anyway, I will only keep those data while they fit the reason why you gave them to me.
I will never ever transfer your data to anyone. Period.
Cookies are a different matter. Google Analytics cookies (and honestly I am not sure if those from other services I may use) could send the information they gather so Google servers located outside of the European Union, specifically in the United States of America. International data transfers to that country are authorized by a European Commission decision: the Privacy Shield.
Your rights
I believe the best option here would be for you to read the GDPR (articles 12 to 23).
Some highlights anyway:
As controller of the data, you can reach me to access your data, rectify them (I’d need you to give me updated and precise information), to oppose the treatment I do of your data and to exercise your right to suppress them if you previously requested the right to oppose and my legitimate interests do not prevail over your rights and interests. In certain cases you can also request the limitation of the treatment.
To exervise these rights, pease send me an email from the same email address you used when posted your message so I can verify your identity.
Last but not least, you can claim at the Spanish Data Protection Authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos) if you believe your data privacy rights have not been fulfilled by me.