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Enlaces julio 2018


Apuntaba el mes pasado que daría noticias en breve. Quedan pocos días para esas noticias.

Mientras tanto, los cambios se aceleran, se van ejecutando inexorablemente, y abren la puerta a nuevas oportunidades y retos.

Eso, y las lecturas habituales, quizá este mes de julio con algo de tiempo para leer en más profundidad y enfrentarme a textos más complejos y profundos.

No sé si es el caso de los que he compartido, pero creo que aun así merece la pena echarles un vistazo.

Ahí están:

AI Is Transforming Healthcare as We Know It. Here’s a Look at the Future — and the Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

Over the past decade, the healthcare industry has focused on digitizing medical records. Now, the problem is managing those massive data sets — so any infrastructure that can make that possible should be in high demand over the coming years.

Future trends in healthcare

Understanding that healthcare needs to remain sustainable and affordable for all stakeholders, there is only one obvious answer: further development and implementation of Digital & Health Technologies

Preparing Americans for the jobs of the future

Cambiemos en este artículo la referencia a EE UU y pongamos España (por ejemplo) y vale sin cambiar nada más. Esta reflexión y la acción derivada de ella ya no es solo importante, es urgente:

many of the laws and regulations governing the employee-employer relationship are increasingly obsolete

The future of data storage lies in the foundation of biology

DNA storage is meant to condense and replace magnetic tape storage, miniaturizing everything in the process and therefore saving space for the large quantities of data we produce. […] Technology is headed in the direction of biomimicry and therefore what storage element would be more fitting to house the vast quantities of digital information we create than the storage capacity that supports virtually all life on Earth?

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