Llevo bastantes años leyendo a través de Feedly (y antes por Google Reader, y antes por Bloglines) básicamente las mismas fuentes. Algunas he ido incorporando a lo lago de los años pero al final la base es la misma.
Estas últimas semanas he incorporado una nueva fuente, y por el momento, parece que he acertado con ella, porque de los seis enlaces compartidos, dos vienen de allí.
Espero que os interesen tanto como a mí:
‘World’s first robot lawyer’ now available in all 50 states
Otra profesión que va a tener que reinventarse. Y mucho.
AI and ‘Enormous Data’ could make tech giants harder to topple
data-poor companies that want to survive in a world where the data rich can expect their algorithms to be smarter have to get creative. Jeremy Achin, CEO of startup DataRobot, guesses that a model seen in insurance where smaller companies (carefully) pool data to make their risk predictions competitive with larger competitors might catch on more broadly as machine learning becomes important to more companies and industries.
The curious comeback of the dreaded QR code
QR codes aren’t a failure from the past. They’re the future. For real this time.
7 Critical Skills for the Jobs of the Future
Instead of teaching students to answer questions, we should teach them to ask them
When Will AI Be Better Than Humans at Everything? 352 AI Experts Answer
Para reflexionar seriamente:
the aggregate forecast was that there is a 50 percent chance that “unaided machines can accomplish every task better and more cheaply than human workers” within 45 years, and a 10 percent chance of it occurring within nine years.
What Will It Be Like To Have Robot Coworkers?
Explainers and sustainers are new jobs that involve explaining AI and how it’s working and maintaining or improving AI systems over time.