I’m not a career politician, I’m not an ideologue although I have core beliefs that are very important and that I hold strongly, and I’m being sent to Washington to get something done on behalf of the people of California not on behalf of a particular party or a particular partisan point of view.
Precisamente en el mismo momento en que Pizarro deja su aventura política con el PP veo esta entrevista con Carly Fiorina. Curioso que sea precisamente de no ser política de carrera es de lo que hace virtud.
Muy interesante la entrevista en la que hay varias frases que podrían adaptarse perfectamente a la realidad que se vive en España:
We have to have the discipline to say “No” and “No” seems to be a word that professional politicians don’t use very often. No, you don’t get any more of our money.
we have to have the courage, the political courage and the will to say, we’re going to look at every dollar
I do think that there are many politicians who really don’t understand technology. They don’t understand its power. And so, we’re trapped by these bureaucratic rules that have been in existence for a really long time.
Sigo pensando de que el hecho de que un cargo electo rinda cuentas directamente ante sus electores en lugar de hacerlo al «aparato» del partido, y que sea la voz de aquéllos y no la de éste, es lo que realmente fortalece el juego democrático.