Hay veces en las que los árboles no nos dejan ver el bosque. Nos ciega tanto el mundo de la tecnología y las nuevas empresas que surgen haciendo un uso inteligente de ella, que perdemos de vista qué es lo que realmente está motivando el cambio:
I’d ask the executives of these incumbent companies the same question: “What is disrupting your business?” No matter who I talked to, I would always get one of two answers: “Technology X is disrupting our business” or “Startup Y is disrupting our business.” But my latest research and analysis reveals flaws in that thinking. It is customers who are driving the disruption.
HBR – Disruption Starts with Unhappy Customers, Not Technology
Y la verdad es que es bastante lógico:
Disruption is a customer-driven phenomenon. New technologies come and go. The ones that stick around are those the consumers choose to adopt.
Así que parece que nada hay más transformador y lleno de oportunidades que volver a los fundamentos y preguntarse «¿qué falla en esta propuesta?»
Disruptive startups enter markets not by stealing customers from incumbents, but by stealing a select few customer activities. And the activities disruptors choose to take away from incumbents are precisely the ones that customers are not satisfied with.