Esta ha sido una semana rara. No he compartido ningún enlace hasta el domingo.
Y no ha sido porque no haya leido onda, porque la actividad ha sido la habitual.
No sé si no he prestado atención los temas relevantes o a que realmente ha sido una semana con temas que no han captado mi atención. En cualquier caso, ahí va lo compartido:
The new tech talent you need to succeed in digital
Successful digital businesses share some common traits: they’re focused on the customer, operate quickly, are responsive and agile, and can create proprietary insights.
BlackBerry’s Rise and Fall in 10 Phones
El auge y caída de un icono:
The reasons for BlackBerry’s hardware decline aren’t mysterious.
You might be surprised to learn who’s collecting your data
More than 90 percent of adults agree that consumers have lost control of how their data is collected and shared online by companies
«More than 90 percent of adults agree that consumers have lost control of how their data is collected and shared online by companies»