Una nueva visión sobre las implicaciones de la recogida masiva y el uso extensivo de nuestros datos la que nos plantea Techcrunch en Taxing your privacy:
The question now is: How do you ensure your data isn’t costing you money in the form of new taxes, fees and bills? Particularly when the entity that stands to benefit from this data — the government — is also tasked with protecting it?
Una nueva derivada del Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Porque cada día está más claro: no sabemos lo que está pasando con los datos, y no tenemos ni idea de hacia donde vamos, pero conceptos como «privacidad» ya requieren de forma urgente una nueva redefinición.
If data collection and sharing were still mainly the purview of B2B businesses and global enterprises, perhaps the rising outcry over the methods and usage of data collection would remain relatively muted. But as data usage seeps into more aspects of everyday life and is adopted by smart cities and governments across the nation, questions around privacy will invariably get more heated, particularly when citizen consumers start feeling the pinch in their wallet.
Personalmente, este texto me ha abierto los ojos a planteamentos en el uso de datos que, antes, ni se me habían pasado por la cabeza.