Esta semana empiezo con el único enlace de la semana anterior, ya que no me pareció procedente escribir una entrada solo para un enlace.
Y para compensar la casi inexistente actividad de la semana pasada, esta ha sido bastante prolífica.
Como novedad esta semana, a medida que se vayan publicando estos enlaces en Linkedin, se irán «disparando» también al bot de Telegram y a la página de Anotado en Facebook. No sé si esto hará que deje de publicar estas entradas resumen. Por el momento sigo con ellas.
Enlaces de esta semana:
What Consumers Most Want from Health Insurers’ Technology
Interesante artículo en el que se comparte información y conclusiones de una encuesta realizada a 500 personas en Estados Unidos sobre los avances tecnológicos que le piden a su compañía de seguros médicos.
Las conclusiones son interesantes.
most companies direct 20 to 40 percent of their technology budgets toward investments that have nothing to do with their overall strategies
Digital Transformation – Part 2: Culture And Organization
Reflexiones que muchos compartimos pero que pocos se atreven a poner en negro sobre blanco.
La transformación digital requiere algo más que intenciones o declaraciones.
Declarations of digital intentions, the creation of chief digital officers, or the allocation of digital budgets alone will not translate into digital success.
The Best Companies Invest Aggressively in These 3 Areas
Un artículo de HBR que empieza con esta frase:
When it comes to investments, here’s a general truth: the larger a company gets, the smaller it thinks.
capta completamente mi atención.
Digital Europe: Realizing the continent’s potential
Sobre la realidad europea y los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos
individuals need to develop their skills and embrace the flexibility and new opportunities that digitization offers them.
Personalized Recommendation Engines Are Coming to Health Care
If, like online retailers, healthcare companies manage to develop digital platforms that can influence people’s choices, they might achieve the holy grail of healthcare: behavior change.
Rationality in CMS implementation planning
All content is not equal—it changes at different speeds and requires different levels of effort
Almost All Managers Have at Least One Career-Limiting Habit
One study of close to 1,000 managers found that 97% of us have at least one career-limiting habit—a habit that keeps us from greater success or enjoyment in our career. Unfortunately, our research also shows that while most of us have been aware of this deficiency for years, few make much progress in overcoming it.
Five questions boards should ask about IT in a digital world
Because of the speed at which IT innovations occur, boards and CIOs may need to introduce new metrics and drop less relevant ones
Hillary Clinton and the Blockchain
Governments and elected officials around the world, regardless of politics, must understand the potential impact of blockchain-based applications. They must understand how the technology might be used to increase trust and decrease bureaucracy in the delivery of government services.
MedRec: Electronic Medical Records on the Blockchain
La Piedra Rosetta del historial de salud.
allows patients to securely grant other doctors access to their personal information, as well as healthcare providers, researchers, and even the patient’s children and grandchildren
Analyzing Allianz’s Blockchain Pilot
The key lesson is that blockchain can be a trusted, transparent, and objective way to manage insurance contracts and handle payouts, as long as both parties can agree on how to properly trigger claims
Insurance is ready for an upgrade
Rather than be displaced by disruptive developments, insurers should be proactive in turning them to their advantage — in some cases by working with complementary providers from outside the industry.